Study Abroad Tips for Canada and the US this Summer Intake

As the year has started, this new season of spring welcomes new opportunities and challenges for students. Some go for new jobs, the others go to study abroad. With the arrival of spring, universities and colleges situated in the popular study destinations of the USA and Canada are also anticipating the arrival of a multitude of international students. With China, India and Africa being the top countries from where students come, it’s even more fun. As the autumn and winter terms usually witness a significant inflow of foreign scholars in these countries, they remain the most preferred seasons for enrolment. However, the competition for admission is unarguably cut-throat – no matter it’s spring intake or winter.


Here’s a small glimpse of the students’ data.


In the academic year of 2021-2022, 9,48,519 international students were enrolled in the US, while 1,405,857 foreign scholars were studying in Canada in the academic year 2020-2021.


Although, due to the intense competition, the global student housing crisis, immigration issues, low academic scores and several other unfavorable circumstances, many students do not succeed in securing a seat in the fall or winter terms. But, fret not, for your aspiration of pursuing higher education overseas is not over yet.


The summer/spring intake is still an option, and I can guide you on how to prepare for it and kickstart your journey of studying abroad.


May Intak Guide:


May intake, as much as we have seen in our experience experiences less students as the classes are prioritized for the Winter intake the most. Especially for the Indian students. If you couldn’t secure a seat in the Fall and Winter intakes, you can also consider the May intake, which falls during the Spring/Summer season. However, this intake is less popular among international students, primarily because it coincides with the time when most students complete their schooling or undergraduate studies and commence preparations for further education. But, don’t let this deter you from applying for the summer intake, as the lower competition increases your chances of securing a spot in your desired course. Your major priority is to gain education, right? And when the teachers and campus are the same, then it’s even better because the classroom size you get is smaller.


In case you have deferred your application for the Fall or Winter intake due to delayed exam results or personal reasons, the May intake is an excellent option. A lot of people might have a different opinion. But, applying for the summer intake allows you ample time to explore and shortlist universities, apply to your preferred ones, and prepare for any tests/interviews that the college may require. Since, this is majorly considered a low stress session, it makes it an even better decision to study abroad, especially in this season. Moreover, it provides you with sufficient time to make informed decisions and accept or reject offer letters from universities.


Since, summer intake or may intake has very limited seats, because a majority of the seats are filled by the December or Winter intake. You need to keep in mind that those students who were late to apply for December intake, they are the ones who often end up taking the May intake seats, once the winter session seats are occupied. So, there are very limited seats offered and the resources are also less.


If you are planning to move to Canada, there are many colleges and universities that you may consider. But, some of the top universities you can consider are the University Canada West, Cape Breton University, University of British Columbia, the University of Manitoba, the University of Alberta, and the University of Waterloo. Similarly, in the USA, you can explore institutions like the University of Texas, Kingston University, Cranfield University, Illinois State University, Stanford University, Cleveland State University, the University of Oregon, Boston University, and the University of Central Missouri, among others.


While some universities may have a high application fee, the others may have less. But the application fee merely does not reflect on the quality that the institution may have to offer.


Once you have completed your applications and shortlisted your preferred universities, finding suitable accommodation becomes the next crucial step. Since, a lot of students have already settled down recently, it makes it a little bit easier on May intake students as they can speak with their previous batches who are looking to share a room and its rent. And you shall definitely find someone in this quest. Since a significant number of students prefer the Fall or Winter intake, university accommodations may not be available. In such a scenario, it is wise to seek the assistance of a reputable student housing platform, which can help you navigate the process of finding housing.


As we have also helped over 8500 students get an admission abroad, you can connect with us to reach out to students looking to share a room with you.




Effective planning and execution are crucial when it comes to pursuing higher education overseas. It is essential to conduct thorough research and ensure that everything you need is organized and readily available. This is not a fantasy decision that you can take as you see in the movies. It is a lot more difficult than it looks. Doing so will help you save time, money, and effort, and make your study abroad experience hassle-free and enjoyable.

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